Flying start- Portmead Jaspers

Flying Start is the Welsh Government flagship early years programme for families with young children. 

Flying Start offers funded, high quality, part-time childcare for children between the ages of 2 and 3 years. 

Within Flying Start, young children will have a broad and balanced range of activities and experiences appropriate to their needs. This will support their development and aim to improve their outcome in preparation for school and in the long term. 

We are so lucky to have a flying start facility attached to our school. As a school we want to make Portmead Jaspers feel welcome and help them get to know the different members of staff here. We thoroughly enjoy when the Portmead Jaspers join us for assembly. 

We work closely together, particularly focusing on relationships between our Portmead Jaspers and nursery class to facilitate a smooth transition between settings. 

Portmead Jaspers staff List: 

Sonia Brown, Roshanara Begum, Kirsty Cuttill, Kayleigh Hopkins, Georgia Jenkins, Hannah-Jane Lee, Bethan Nicholas, Joanne Taffurelli.

For more information and to see our last inspection report click here.